School Communication Protocol
We wish to advise parents of the procedure to be followed if there is an issue at school which needs to be addressed.
1. Discuss with the class teacher.
2. If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, refer to the Head of Department for the phase (see contact details below).
3. If a solution is still not found, the HOD will then refer you to the Deputy Principal or the Principal.
Please do not phone or email the school and request a meeting with the Principal before going through the correct channels - in keeping with the Education Department regulations, the above process must be observed and adhered to. We thank you for your understanding.
It is advisable to copy any email sent to the staff below to the school secretary, Miss Kylie Moody, in order that this may be followed up and the necessary appointments made. The Teachers/Principal do not always have the time to check their emails continually as they are busy teaching.
(Grade R - 3)
Mrs. Gillian Tredgold (Acting)
Academics / Sport / Discipline /
Pastoral matters
(Grade 4 - 6)
Mrs. Jacky Stander
Academics / Pastoral care (girls)
(Grade 4 - 6)
Mr. Piet Steyn
Sport / Discipline / Pastoral care (boys)
(Grade 7)
Mrs. Kate Spencer (Acting)
Academic / Sport / Discipline / Pastoral care

Communication with Parents
There is a weekly newsletter which is posted on the d6 School Communicator. A printed copy is given only to those families who specifically request it. The d6, our main means of communication with parents, is an innovative and exciting way of interacting with parents. The School Communicator keeps you up-to-date with what’s happening at the school. It updates automatically, and brings you all the latest news and calendar events. It also contains a photo gallery, contact list and a range of useful links and documents. Parents are encouraged to use this as the main source of information.
You can download the installer from the School Communicator website by clicking the button below:

Howick Preparatory School is a “no cash” school and we encourage our parents to please download the Karri App in order for the relevant payments to be made.
Should you experience any difficulty downloading the app, please contact:
Clair Nothard
Cell: 082 847 4590 or email: support@karri.co.za
EFT payments are also allowed into the school banking account, provided that the correct reference is used and proof of payment is either emailed or faxed to the school.
Cell Phones
It is school policy not to allow pupils to bring cell phones to school. Emergency messages will be delivered to children during the school day and parents will be contacted by the school in case of an emergency.
“Phone cards” may be bought from the school office during office hours. The cost is R30,00 and this covers 10 calls, i.e. R3,00 each. In the case of an emergency, or when school business is involved, pupils will be permitted to phone from the school office.
Interviews & Parent/Teacher
Parents who wish to speak to their child’s class or subject teacher at any time are welcome to make an appointment through the office (033-3302070) or by writing a note in the child’s Homework Book. Staff members have duties to attend to after school, but the office will be able to make a mutually suitable appointment.
Parent meetings for all grades are held during the 2nd and 4th terms. Parents are invited to book 10-minute time slots to see the teachers when general progress is discussed. Grade R conduct their parent interviews in the 2nd and 3rd terms.

Medical & Dental
You are reminded to please make all dental/medical appointments for after school, as far as possible as pupils cannot afford to miss any lessons during school time, especially in the build-up to the final year-end assessment/exams.
If your child suffers from any allergy or chronic health problem, e.g. reaction to bee sting, please inform the office in writing and send the correct medication, clearly marked with the child’s name and grade, together with a copy of the script from the doctor/specialist, which will be kept in the sick room cupboard should he/she need special attention whilst at school.
Illness at School
If your child suffers from any allergy or chronic health problem, e.g. reaction to bee sting, please inform the office in writing and send the correct medication, clearly marked with the child’s name and grade, together with a copy of the script from the doctor/specialist, which will be kept in the sick room cupboard should he/she need special attention whilst at school.
Absense from
On returning to school after being absent, a child must bring a note from the parents. A doctor’s certificate is required if a pupil is off sick for 3 days or more. School work may be collected for the child to do at home - please contact the Reception so the teacher can be notified. If a pupil is expected to be absent for some time, parents should notify the school well in advance. Please also be aware that should your child be absent during exam time, even for a day, a doctor’s note is required upon return to school.
Pupils leaving the School
One full term’s WRITTEN notice is required, as far as possible, before a pupil is removed from Howick Preparatory School, or the payment of a full term’s fees in lieu thereof. Such notice is to be submitted on or before the first day of the term.
Notice is not required for pupils who have completed/are completing Grade 7 and are leaving to go on to high school.
Pupil Contact Information
Please inform the school office in writing if there is a change in the following:
Home/Postal address and phone numbers
Business telephone numbers
E-mail address
If a parent is away for an extended period of time (e.g. on a business trip), the school must be advised of the time period, with whom your child is staying, and whom to contact in case of an emergency during the parental absence.