School Day
School begins (There is a teacher on duty from 07h15 every morning; from 07h00 in Grade R)
10h10 - 10h30
Tea time
Grade R, Grade 1 and Grade 2 pupils finish school
12h30 - 13h00
Lunch for all Grade 1 and 2 pupils staying for extra mural activities and Lunch break for Grade 3 – 7 pupils
13h00 - 14h00
Extra Mural Activities for all Grade 1 and 2 pupils
Grade 3 – 7 pupils finish
14h00 - 15h30
Extra Mural Activities for Grade 3 to 7 pupils
NOTE: School closes for ALL grades from
Grade R to 7 at 13h00 on Fridays.

Office Hours
School fees or any other money can be paid to the Financial Secretary in the office block between 07h30 and 14h00.
07H00 - 15H30
07H00 - 13H00
Access to School Grounds
Please be aware of the following procedures with regards to access to the school grounds:
There will be a full-time security guard on duty every day from 06h00 to 18h00.
No gates will be opened until 06h45 - pupils are not to be dropped off before this time as they will not be able to gain access the school grounds.
The main driveway gate, the turn circle gates, as well as the pedestrian gate on Harvard Street, will open at 06h45.
All gates will then be locked at 07h40. School starts at 07h40 and the gates will remain locked until the end of the school day, i.e. 12h30 and 14h00.
The guard will strictly monitor vehicle and pedestrian access through the main driveway gate.
Only essential access will be granted, e.g. delivery trucks, and we request that parents comply with this Management decision. Drivers of those vehicles granted access will have to sign a register on entrance and exit.

Traffic Control
Dropping off and collecting pupils:
If dropped off outside the school, please ensure pupils use the pedestrian crossing.
If dropped off in front of the school (circular entrance), please just stop for pupils to alight and move off straight away. You may not park in this area.
Please drive slowly and with care in and around the school.

Uniform Shop
The only uniform supplier is our own independent Uniform Shop which is situated at the school. A card machine is available for payments.
The shop is open on the following mornings:
07H00 - 08H00
For all your uniform requirements please contact:
Claire Nanni - 082 732 0401
Please note the following:
​All items of clothing required for school and/or sports activities are available from the school Uniform Shop, which is our official school supplier.
The school is aware that the uniform is available from other suppliers in the area.
In light hereof, parents and learners are urged to ensure that if the school uniform is purchased from a supplier other than the Howick Prep Uniform Shop, they ensure that the quality and colouring of the uniform is exactly the same as is required.
Due to the fact, and in light of the policy that the school uniform and sports attire is designed to create uniformity and a sense of community, the school management will take it very seriously if school uniform and sports attire is of sub-standard quality.
It is extremely important that school uniform is clearly marked with your child’s name and surname thereon. This will ensure that any ‘lost property’ may be returned to the correct person.
School Song
We seek the highest,
our pledge will ever be
To serve our school
with pride and loyalty.
We’ll accept the challenge,
we’ll play the game,
Striving for perfection,
honouring your name.
We seek the highest
in all we say and do,
In thought, in deed,
be strong and brave and true.
In music, sport and study,
we’ll represent our school,
and by our endeavour
live by the golden rule.
We seek the highest,
our pledge will ever be
To serve our school
with pride and loyalty.
Composed by Pauline Wood